Step 1
You need to add some junk into the ground beef to add flavor and help retain the moisture. Here I add breadcrumbs, my special spice mix, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper.

Step 2
To keep it all together and reduce the amount of melty cheese that escapes from the tasty burger, add an egg to the mixture.

Mix it altogether. Yeah sure, you could use that fancy Kitchenaid mixer that sits on your counter begging you to turn it on and let it make some delicious foods with it, but where's the adventure in that? I say, put your grubby hands right in there and mix it together like a real man.

Step 4
Give some meat to the dog. Seriously, he's been staring at you with his crazy eyes for a while now and your starting to be more than a little frightened.

Roll the meat into little balls and then press flat into thin meat discuses... diski?

Step 6
Fill with glorious cheese. Yes, that is cheese. No, it isn't butter. Mmm, butter burgers.

Step 7
Place meat discus B atop discus A.

Step 8
Pinch around the edges of the diski to seal the goodness.

The result is some bigass meat patties that look like normal hamburgers, but lurking inside is a cheesiness that will shock and amaze you.