The little lady and I have decided to try and reduce our carbon footprint and all that so I've decided to compost our kitchen waste. Not only will this be a step in reducing our carbon consumption, but it will also help me in my quest to have a healthy lawn while using only organic means. You can see from the photos that the lawn needs a lot of help. Anyhow, I've looked online for compost bin plans and decided to make a compost bin loosely based on the one I found on this site
g24.php which I stumbled on while researching compost on www.journeytoforever.org. Since I had a pallet in the garage and a bunch of (pink)1x2's that I tore out of the porch while trying to kill ants, I decided to rip the boards from the pallet to 2 inch widths to match the 1x2's. Admittedly, not all of the boards came out to be 2 inches since pallets aren't precisely built so the boards vary in width greatly. Regardless, I wasn't shooting for perfection so it came out pretty well anyway. The only bad part was the fact that I didn't notice that the pink from the porch was facing outwards until after I screwed four of the boards on. I think that I'll have to pick up some paint and give it a coat or two to hide that. I'll post some more pictures after I get around to making more of these bins to stack on top of each other and get them all painted and such.