First, put the front derailleur onto the middle chainring, assuming you have a triple. Second, put the chain in highest gear(smallest cog) and make sure that the shifter is also in the highest gear. Turn adjustment barrel all the way tight(Clockwise???), then loosen one full revolution. Loosen the screw that holds the cable onto the rear derailleur. Pay attention to the tab on the washer that clamps the cable in place. Apply light tension to the cable and tighten the screw to fasten the cable end. Turn high limit until top pulley is aligned with smallest cog. Turning the limit screws adjusts the limit of travel of the pulleys. Tightening restricts the travel, while loosening allows more travel. Spin the cranks and shift the rear dérailleur down to the next cog. If the derailleur does not shift to the next cog with a single click then tighten the cable tension with the barrel adjustment until it will. Adjust the barrel to make the top pulley aligned with the second highest cog. Now you should be able to shift up and down through all of the cogs smoothly; with the possible exception of the lowest cog. If the derailleur will not put the chain onto the lowest cog then you first need to adjust the low limit screw to allow it to move far enough to do so. To do this, hold top of the derailleur and loosen the low limit screw. Now shift into the lowest cog and adjust the lower limit screw until the top pulley is inline with the lowest cog. Shift up and down through the full range to verify proper operation.