Saturday, September 06, 2008
Check out my new blog where me, Sean, J, and Tom will give the details on our mountain bike trip from Telluride to Moab at
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Bike Projects

In the past few weeks I've been given two antique bicycles by friends. The first is a 1971 Schwinn Le Tour. The second is a 1983 Peugeot P6. According to the Lemonde frame size calculator, the Schwinn is pretty much the perfect size for me, being 54.5cm from the center of the bottom bracket to the top of the seat tube. The Peugeot is a bit big at 60cm. I can still mount the bike with enough clearance for the wedding tackle. Of course, the tires are completely flat so the stand-over height may be a bit big for me.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Real Men Use Reel Mowers

Why go through the hassle of using a loud and smelly gasoline powered mower that blows up dust and pollutes, when you can push a clean, quiet reel mower? I have a half acre lot (approximately) and I asked myself that question a little more than a year ago. I was toying with the idea of buying a reel mower and mentioned it to my friend Lee. It just so happened that Lee had a reel mower or two, or three, hidden away in the corner of his garage. He gave me two of them and I have been using them to mow my lawn for more than a year now. I've worn a heart rate monitor to calculate the calories burned while mowing and it requires about 1400 calories to mow my lot. Not too shabby. Of course, now my gas mower won't even start so I'm stuck with the reels whether I like it or not.