Monday, January 23, 2006

DIY Stuff

I like to do DIY projects. Sometimes they actually work. Sometimes the only thing that they accomplish is wasting hours and hours of my time. Regardless, I still like to figure out how to do things without having to pay someone to do it for me, especially when there is somethign that I could learn in the process. Besides, as my friend and coworker Lee likes to say, "When the apocolypse comes, you'll be glad you know how to do these things yourself." Alright, he may never have actually said those exact words, but if you knew Lee, you'd know that that pretty much sums up his DIY mentality - that, and he's a cheap bastard like me. Some of my DIY projects are home improvement related, others are car repair and restoration related, others still are electronics related, then somewhere one the fringe are things like biodiesel processors and wierd projects that I find on the internet and seem exciting to me. I'll do my best in this blog to keep you informed and updated on all of these projects. Hopefully I can do so in an informative and entertaining way.

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