I've finally given up on the Golf. Putting aside the fact that there are good sized rust holes in the body and that the driver's door handle is a speaker cable, the fact that parts mounted to the engine are beginning to shake themselves loose is enough for me to call it quits. I've decided that since I no longer live in a bad neighborhood, like Wooster St. in New Haven, I can have a decent vehicle again and not worry too much about it being broken into every other month or so. My friend/coworker Lee is now the proud owner of the '86 VW Golf Diesel. He'll be posting any changes to the Golf here: http://nodeep6-86.blogspot.com/. I will be replacing the Golf with a 2000 Toyota Tacoma 4WD pickup(The sale willl be final on 2/23/06), which I put a deposit on last night. Hopefully the Tacoma will be a tool in my DIY projects rather than becoming another project itself. I'll post some pics of it as soon as I can.
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