Wifey and I decided to replace the ugly coat tree that we had in our living room by installing wall hooks behind the front door where the coats would be out of the way but easily accessibly while coming and going. We found the BLECKA, I know the name is a but odd but it is IKEA afterall, hooks and decided that they fit the aesthetic that we were shooting for and I went about mounting them to the wall. In order to ensure that they don't simply pull out of the drywall the way that our towel racks did in the bathroom, I decided to actually use some drywall anchors. I got the ones that IKEA sells which are the standard type that you drill a hole and pound them into said hole. In my experience these tend to work miserably as they are made from uber-flimsy plastic and the typically bend/break before you get them pounded in flush with the wall. Luckily I had seen my dad use a different type of drywall anchor recently and it looked much better so I decided that I'd give them a shot.

This type is also made of plastic, but it is a much more rigid plastic and instead of being pounded into a pilot hole, they are screwed in. The threads are a course helical sort of thread that seems to grab drywall extremely well. The instruction don't say to, but I recommend using a nail to both make a pilot hole and to ensure that there is no stud in the location that you want the anchor to go. The pilot hole just helps to get the anchor started and if you attempt to install the anchor where there is a stud it will bottom out and snap the head off long before you get it sunk flush to the drywall. Don't worry about using in anchor where there is a stud, as you can screw into the stud and get a much better grip anyhow. Also don't try to hammer the anchor into the drywall as this will most likely lead to breaking the anchor or you pounding your thumb with a hammer. If you lack a nail to make a pilot hole you can also use the Phillips head screwdriver that you will need to turn the anchors to make a pilot hole by simply pressing the tip into the drywall. If you lack the strength to do this you are either my wife, or an extreme wuss and need to lift some weights before I throw you into a locker and you have to pound in the door until somebody hears you and lets you out. Yeah, why don't you go find as nail... I'll just wait here while you get that. Anyway, these anchors worked much better for me and the IKEA BLECKA hooks look and function pretty nicely. Sorry that the pictures aren't much to look at but I have some serious lighting issues in the living room.
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