I got a Mossberg digital hotel safe from work after it failed to function and we had to find a more creative way to open it. From what I could see everything seemed to function alright so I assume the failure was one of the integrated circuits. Regardless, I’ve decided that I want to rebuild it using an arduino. The control board features a 16X2 LCD display and a 3X4 matrix keyboard. Both of these should be fairly easy to get to work since there are arduino libraries available for them. I just need to figure out how the hell to use the libraries. That, and the little task of determining the pinouts on the LCD.

I downloaded the datasheet for the Hitachi HD44780A00 and then I used a continuity tester to find what pins went where.
The pinout seems to be pretty straight forward. I will probably use a 4-bit LCD library due to the fact that the arduino has only 14 digital Input/Output and there simply wouldn’t be enough pins for an 8-bit configuration plus a 3X4 matrix keyboard, and the two limit switches and motor that are used to lock the safe.

The keypad itself was pretty simple to determine it’s pinout as all of the traces on the circuit board are easy to trace by eye. It turns out that the top three pins are for the rows, from top to bottom, and the remaining four are the columns, from right to left.
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