I finally got around to hauling the Rabbit up to Maine for Jon to do some work on. It has been in Lee's barn for about 4 years now. In that that time it grew some mold on the interior and provided sanctuary for countless mice. Overall I think that is it very salvageable. Jon will put it on the lift and determine whether or not I am right. I didn't get a chance to try and start the bunny. Instead I scrubbed the mold off of the interior and vacuumed the mice nests out of the engine compartment and glove box. The battery was too far gone to even take a charge and I didn't have time to check the airbox to see if the mice had taken up residence in there as well. Jon will just have to do me the huge favor of doing that for me if he decides that it is worth the hassle.

I neglected to take pictures of the mouse nests, but below is a picture of the mold growing on the driver's side door panel.

I also didn't take pictures of the interior after I washed it, but it cleaned up pretty well. I used a mixture of water, bleach and dishwashing liquid. I wore a respirator while doing this too lessen the likelyhood of getting a respiratory infection. Hopefully it was worth the trouble. I'll post Jon's diagnosis as we go.
Any word on the restoration?
Gotta give Jonny a call and find out if he's had a chance to evaluate the damage.
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