Saturday, February 28, 2009

Test of Windows Live Writer


Moxie Paint Job I saw a post on about Windows Live Writer, so I decided to give it a try.  So far it seems to be easier to use than the Blogger interface which can be tedious and buggy.  For a free service Blogger is excellent, but if there is a way to improve it then I may as well try. 


The interface responds pretty quickly and there are some pretty nifty ways to manipulate photos such as the rounded corners on the pictures above.  The first time that I posted the text and picture above the text was nearly obscured by the photo.  It was simple to adjust the margins to fix that so overall I’d say that I’m pretty happy with it, in spite of it being a Microsoft product.


Anonymous said...

Microsoft = EVIL! Bad Evil. Really, really bad evil! The laughing, giggling kind of evil. Trust me on this. Sure it is a convenient kind of evil, until it you are alone with it because all the other OSes and Applications are gone, then it is the "chain you in the basement" evil. The really inconvenient kind, especially if you have an appointment to make.

Pete said...

Yes, MS is the devil, but sometimes getting in bed with the devil just feels so good.